Articles in press
Volume 58, 2007, No. 4
ISSN 1335-0552 (print)
ISSN 1336-8052 (online)
- Oxfordian and Callovian radiolarians from the Bucegi Massif and Piatra Craiului Mountains (Southern Carpathians, Romania). / p. 305
- The Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene Krosno lithofacies in the Carpathian Flysch Belt (Czech Republic): sedimentology, provenance and magnetic fabrics. / p. 321
- Lower Badenian biostratigraphy and paleoecology: a case study from the Carpathian Foredeep (Czech Republic). / p. 333
- Late Miocene sequence stratigraphy of the Pannonian Basin fill (Kiskunhalas–Melykut region, Hungary): how core, electric log and seismic data fit together?. / p. 353
- Late Miocene vegetation and climate of the Balkan region: palynology of the Beli Breg Coal Basin sediments. / p. 367
- Clay mineral distribution patterns in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea during the late Quaternary. / p. 383
- Seismic activity of the Alpine-Carpathian-Bohemian Massif region with regard to geological and potential field data. / p. 397