Articles in press
Volume 69, 2018, No. 1
ISSN 1335-0552 (print)
ISSN 1336-8052 (online)
- A Middle Triassic pachypleurosaur (Diapsida: Eosauropterygia) from a restricted carbonate ramp in the Western Carpathians (Gutenstein Formation, Fatric Unit): paleogeographic implications. / p. 3
- Provenance study of detrital garnets and rutiles from basaltic pyroclastic rocks of Southern Slovakia (Western Carpathians). / p. 17
- Life in the fluvial hinterland of the late Sarmatian Sea (middle Miocene): a rare terrestrial fossil site in the Styrian Basin (Austria). / p. 30
- Petrographic and biomarker analysis of xylite-rich coal from the Kolubara and Kostolac lignite basins (Pannonian Basin, Serbia). / p. 51
- Sedimentary processes and architecture of Upper Cretaceous deep-sea channel deposits: a case from the Skole Nappe, Polish Outer Carpathians. / p. 71
- Lower Badenian coarse-grained Gilbert deltas in the southern margin of the Western Carpathian Foredeep basin. / p. 89