Articles in press
Volume 63, 2012, No. 1
ISSN 1335-0552 (print)
ISSN 1336-8052 (online)
- The impact of Outer Western Carpathian nappe tectonics on the recent stress-strain state in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Moravosilesian Zone, Bohemian Massif). / p. 3
- Structural pattern and emplacement mechanisms of the Krížna cover nappe (Central Western Carpathians). / p. 13
- An Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous carbonate platform from the Vâlcan Mountains (Southern Carpathians, Romania): paleoenvironmental interpretation. / p. 33
- Oligocene dinoflagellate cysts from the North Alpine Foreland Basin: new data from the Eggerding Formation (Austria). / p. 49
- Sapphires related to alkali basalts from the Cerová Highlands, Western Carpathians (southern Slovakia): composition and origin. / p. 71
- Late Pleistocene voles (Arvicolinae, Rodentia) from the Baranica Cave (Serbia). / p. 83