Geologica Carpathica, 2013, vol. 64, no. 4
Completely preserved cockroaches of the family Mesoblattinidae from the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation (Liaoning Province, NE China)
Although cockroaches were the dominant insects in various Paleozoic and Mesozoic insect assemblages, their general morphology was extremely conservative. One of the most common of them, the Jurassic-Cretaceous family Mesoblattinidae, is described here for the first time on the basis of completely preserved specimens. Ninety-two specimens of Perlucipecta aurea gen. et sp. n. reveal details of head, mandible, male tergal glands and terminal hook; cercal, leg and antennal sensilla. Its congener, P. vrsanskyi is described from the same sediments of the Yixian Forma- tion (Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous). The forewing venation variability of P. aurea, analysed for the first time in this family is nearly identical (CV = 6.23 %) with variability of two species of family Blattulidae that occur at the same locality (CV = 6.22 %; 5.72 %). The transitional nature of morphological characters represented by asymmetry between left and right wings (simple/branched forewing SC and hind wing M) in P. aurea documents the phylogenetic relation between the families Mesoblattinidae and Ectobiidae.
Jurassic, Cretaceous, Liaoning Province, fossil insects, Blattaria, Ectobiidae, Mesoblattinidae, new genus, new species
291 - 304
Published online:
0. 8. 2013