

Geologica Carpathica, 2013, vol. 64, no. 2
Thermal history of the Podhale Basin in the internal Western Carpathians from the perspective of apatite fission track analyses
The thermal history of the Paleogene Podhale Basin was studied by the apatite fission track (AFT) method. Twenty four Eocene-Oligocene sandstone samples yielded apparent ages from 13.8±1.6 to 6.1±1.4 Ma that are significantly younger than their stratigraphic age and thus point to a post-depositional resetting. The thermal event responsible for the age resetting is interpreted as a combination of heating associated with mid-Miocene volcanism and variable thickness of Oligocene and potentially also Miocene sediments. Extending the mid-Miocene thermal event found in the Inner Carpathians into the Podhale Basin as a likely heat source suggests that the amount of denudation in the Podhale Basin determined only on the basis of heat related to the thickness of sedimentary sequence might have be significantly overestimated. Two samples from the western part of the basin that yielded 31.0±4.3 and 26.9±4.7 Ma are interpreted as having mixed ages resulting from partial resetting in temperature conditions within the AFT partial annealing zone. This observation agrees very well with reported vitrinite reflectance and illite-smectite thermometry, which indicate a systematic drop of the maximum paleotemperatures towards the western side of the basin.
Miocene, Western Carpathians, Central Carpathian Paleogene Basin, Podhale Basin, thermal history, thermochronology, apatite fission track dating
141 - 151
Published online:
0. 4. 2013