Geologica Carpathica, 2010, vol. 61, no. 2
Modern fluvial sediment provenance and pollutant tracing: a case study from the Dřevnice River Basin (eastern Moravia, Czech Republic)
Modern fluvial deposits of a small fluvial system were studied in the area of eastern Moravia (Czech Republic) with the aim of determining the provenance of the deposits and weathering processes. Identification of the source rocks and their alongstream variations were used for the evaluation of the natural or anthropogenic source of the heavy metals. Paleogene flysch sandstones, flysch mudstones and Quaternary loesses represent source rocks and reflect both the role of recycling and local sources. Provenance from sandstones dominate upstream whereas mudstones represent dominant source rock in the downstream part of the fluvial system. The contents of Pb and Zn are highly enhanced when compared with the natural background in the entire study area. Their anthropogenic source is connected with the rubber/shoe manufacturing industry and traffic. The contents of Cr, Co, Cu, Ni and V are usually lower in modern deposits than in the identified source rocks.
Quaternary, heavy metals, natural and anthropogenic source, small river system
147 - 162
Published online:
0. 4. 2010