Geologica Carpathica, 2009, vol. 60, no. 1
The Middle Eocene flora of Csordakut (N Hungary)
The Middle Eocene fossil plant assemblage from Csordakut (N Hungary) comprises plant remains preserved exclusively as impressions. Algae are represented by abundant remains of Characeae, including both vegetative fragments and gyrogonites. Remains of angiosperms comprise Lauraceae (Daphnogene sp.), Fagaceae (cf. Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis), Ulmaceae (Cedrelospermum div. sp.), Myricaceae (Myrica sp., Comptonia div. sp.), Leguminosae (leaves and fruit), Rhamnaceae (?Zizyphus zizyphoides), Elaeocarpaceae (Sloanea nimrodi, Sloanea sp. fruit), Smilacaceae (Smilax div. sp.). The absence of gymnosperms is indicative of a floristic similarity to the coeval floras of Tatabanya (N Hungary) and Girbou in Romania. Sloanea nimrodi (Ettingshausen) Kvacek & Hably, a new element for the Hungarian fossil record indicates a floristic relation to the Late Eocene flora of Kuclin (Bohemia).
Eocene, Lutetian, paleobotany, plant macrofossils, impressions
43 - 57
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0. 2. 2009