

Geologica Carpathica, 2008, vol. 59, no. 3
Paleomagnetic investigations of the basal Borove Formation in the Liptov Depression (Central-Carpathian Paleogene basin)
The results of the paleomagnetic investigation from 9 localities of the Central-Carpathian Paleogene basal Borove Formation in the Liptov Depression (Central Slovakia) demonstrate complicated tectonic evolution in the central area of the Western Carpathians. The eastern rotations are predominant in the southern and western rotations in the northern margins of the Liptov Depression. Paleodeclinations vary from 92° to 269° and paleoinclinations from 7° to 59°. The dextral and sinistral fault systems explain different values of paleorotations in relatively closely situated localities. The obtained results generally support the model of tectonic escape from the south-west to north-east direction. Low inclination in some localities offers various explanations.
237 - 245
Published online:
0. 6. 2008