Geologica Carpathica, 2008, vol. 59, no. 5
Paleoecology of planktonic foraminifera from the Baden-Sooss section (Middle Miocene, Badenian, Vienna Basin, Austria)
A quantitative analysis was carried out on the planktonic foraminiferal fauna from the scientific Baden-Sooss core, located at the Badenian type locality near Baden (Lower Austria). Counts were performed on groups, mainly on the generic level. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction was based on foraminiferal groups (indicator species) obtained by cluster analysis and on ordination methods. The most important faunal groups are Globorotalia, “five-chambered globigerinids” and “four-chambered globigerinids”; Globigerinoides, Globoquadrina, Globigerinella, Globigerinita, Turborotalita, Globoturborotalita and orbulinids are well represented. Detrended Correspondence Analysis resulted in three significant axes. The most explanatory first axis is high positively correlated with the groups “five-chambered globigerinids”, “cold and cold-temperate plankton” and abundance; it is thus interpreted as a temperature related factor, indicating cold shallow water masses. Cluster analysis revealed four groups, which are interpreted as clusters indicating cold water- (Cluster 3), temperate water- (Cluster 1) and warm water-faunas (Cluster 2 and partly Cluster 4). The analysis resulted in the reconstruction of sea temperature fluctuations and several cold-water ingressions into the moderately warm Badenian Sea.
425 - 445
Published online:
0. 10. 2008