Geologica Carpathica, 2024, vol. 75, no. 6
Tectonic map of the pre-Cenozoic basement of the northern Danube Basin
The Danube Basin is located in the southwest of Slovakia in the northwestern part of the Pannonian Basin System. It consists of Cenozoic deposits, with Miocene sediments comprising the dominant portion in volume. The following paper presents a tectonic map of the pre-Cenozoic basement of the Danube Basin (DB) based on the integration of relevant data from geology, geophysics, biostratigraphy, and tectonics from the past to recently published and archival works. Analysis of boreholes and geophysical data has shown that the western and eastern parts of the DB pre-Cenozoic basement is dominated by Paleozoic crystalline rocks of the Tatric and Veporic nappes, while Mesozoic sediments belonging to the Tatric sedimentary cover, Fatric and Hronic cover nappes are found on the northern margin. The southeastern part of the DB is formed by the rock complexes of the Transdanubian Range Unit. The origin of these Carpathian and Austroalpine tectonic units is the result of Eo-Alpine (Late Cretaceous) tectonic processes.
The recent arrangement of the pre-Cenozoic basement was shaped by Neo-Alpine (Miocene) tectonic processes in
the extensional/transtension tectonic regime. Tectonic units of Carpathian origin together with the Transdanubian Range Unit can be correlated with the Austroalpine units.
Slovakia, Western Carpathians, Neo-Alpine faults, lithotectonic units
375 - 386
Published online:
21. 2. 2025