

Geologica Carpathica, 2007, vol. 58, no. 1
Geophysical indirect effect on interpretation of gravity data in Slovakia
This paper deals with the proper definition and correct compilation of the Bouguer gravity anomaly that differs from the standard definition repeatedly advocated in the geophysical literature. The difference between the new “correct” definition of the Bouguer anomaly and its “standard” definition has become known in geophysics as the “geophysical indirect effect”. Here we investigate the magnitude and variation of the geophysical indirect effect as a systematic error in gravity data inversion or interpretation in Slovakia. It is found that in Slovakia this effect is of the order of 3 mGal with a spatial variability of about 0.5 mGal over some 100 km. The impact of the geophysical indirect effect on the determination of the depth of a density interface is also estimated. In Slovakia, the impact of this systematic error is of the order of about 300 meters for a density contrast of 300 kg/m3.
97 - 102
Published online:
0. 2. 2007