

Geologica Carpathica, 2006, vol. 57, no. 4
Upper Barremian representatives of Dzirulina Nutsubidze, 1945 (Terebratellidina, Brachiopoda) from eastern Serbia
A new Late Barremian terebratellid species of Dzirulina Nutsubidze, 1945 of Beziste, Suva Planina Mountain, eastern Serbia, which was earlier described by Petkovic (1930) was found at the same locality as Waldheimia (Zeilleria) zujovici Antula, 1903. The new species is compared with Dzirulina pseudojurensis (Leymerie), and the variability in the external features of this widespread species is shown on specimens from eastern Serbia through their internal structures.
269 - 277
Published online:
0. 8. 2006