

Geologica Carpathica, 2006, vol. 57, no. 1
GPS study (1996–2002) of active deformation along the Periadriatic fault system in northeastern Slovenia: tectonic model
We present GPS-derived 6 year (1996–2002) displacements of 9 sites in northeastern Slovenia, spanning across the faults of the Periadriatic fault (PAF) system. Site velocities relative to the stable Eurasian plate, while close to or within the uncertainty limits, indicate predominately N- to NNE-directed movements in the range from 0.5 to 2 mm/yr, which is consistent with the previously published continuous and episodic GPS observations from the region. Our results support the recent idea about the ongoing eastward extrusion of the Eastern Alpine domain and confirm that the PAF system could represent the dextral southern boundary of the extruding unit. However, the deformation in the Slovenian part of the PAF system is not limited to a single strike-slip zone, but is accommodated within the larger area. Measurable dextral displacements in the range of ~1 mm/yr exist on the Sava and Labot (Lavanttal) faults of the PAF system. No dextral displacements were observed along the eastern continuation of the Sava fault, which suggests southward displacement transfer and possibly absorption of deformation in the transpressive Sava Folds foldbelt situated south of the fault. Ongoing thrusting of the Northern Karavanke unit north of the PAF implies active transpression along the main PAF zone, whereas the region between the PAF and the Sava fault is apparently deformed transtensionally.
57 - 65
Published online:
0. 2. 2006