

Geologica Carpathica, 2006, vol. 57, no. 2
Early Sarmatian biota in the northern part of the Danube Basin (Slovakia)
Lower Sarmatian molluscan (gastropod, bivalve), foraminiferal, ostracod, bryozoan and algal taphocenotic associations occur in northern part of the Danube Basin in SW Slovakia. Bryozoan associations are dominated by stenohaline forms such as Hippopleurifera cf. semicristata (Reuss), Hippadenella regularis (Reuss) and Celleporina sp. Their occurrence along with other paleoecological and isotopical indicators gives ground for inferring a local persistence of full-marine conditions in this part of the Lower Sarmatian Central Paratethys.
123 - 130
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0. 4. 2006