

Geologica Carpathica, 2002, vol. 53, no. 4
The use of gravimetry, as one of the geophysical methods for identification of brittle deformations — faults active during the neo-Alpine development of the Western Carpathians, confirmed its role in research of the orogene geodynamic evolution. The study of several sites in the western part of the Western Carpathians documents the fact, that the maps obtained by means of different effective gravimetric methods of transformations and visualization of gravity (potential field) data can be correlated well with the age, and thus also with the depth of the faults. The map of the total Bouguer gravity anomaly displays faults without distinguishing their age and depth. In such case the use of the Linsser method is proper for the detection of faults or density boundaries. While the derived maps, such as the vertical and horizontal gradients, and the residual anomaly maps, document the faults depending on the type of transformation and visualization of the input computation parameters. The results and interpretation indicate, that the map of residual anomalies displays mainly the deep faults of the initial rifting and of the synrift stage of the back-arc basin development and the map of the vertical gradient displays most of all the young shallow marginal faults and faults linked with the postrift thermal subsidence stage and tectonic inversion of the basin.
235 - 244
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