Articles in press
Volume 68, 2017, No. 6
ISSN 1335-0552 (print)
ISSN 1336-8052 (online)
- Ammonites and magnetostratigraphy of the Berriasian–Valanginian boundary deposits from eastern Crimea. / p. 505
- Microbiostratigraphy of the Berriasian–Valanginian boundary in eastern Crimea: foraminifers, ostracods, organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts. / p. 517
- Late Permian volcanic dykes in the crystalline basement of the Považský Inovec Mts. (Western Carpathians): U–Th–Pb zircon SHRIMP and monazite chemical dating. / p. 530
- Sedimentary record of subsidence pulse at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary interval in the Slovenian Basin (eastern Southern Alps). / p. 543
- Exotic clasts, debris flow deposits and their significance for reconstruction of the Istebna Formation (Late Cretaceous – Paleocene, Silesian Basin, Outer Carpathians). / p. 562
- Some perisphinctoid ammonites of the Štramberk Limestone and their dating with associated microfossils (Tithonian to Lower Berriasian, Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic). / p. 583