, FEBRUARY 2018, 69, 1, 3–16
doi: 10.1515/geoca-2018-0001
A Middle Triassic pachypleurosaur
(Diapsida: Eosauropterygia) from a restricted carbonate
ramp in the Western Carpathians (Gutenstein Formation,
Fatric Unit): paleogeographic implications
3, 4
6, 7
Department of Ecology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina, 84215, Bratislava, Slovakia;
Steinmann-Institute, Division of Paleontology, University of Bonn, Nußallee 8, 53115 Bonn, Germany
Earth Science Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Ďumbierska 1, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, KU Ružomberok, Hrabovská cesta 1, 03 401 Ružomberok, Slovakia
State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, Lazovná 10, 974 01 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Demänovská dolina Valley Caving Club, Ploštín 91, 03101 Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia
Slovak Caves Administration, Hodžova 11, 03101 Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia
(Manuscript received May 17, 2017; accepted in revised form December 12, 2017)
Abstract: An eosauropterygian skeleton found in the Middle Triassic (upper Anisian) Gutenstein Formation of the Fatric
Unit (Demänovská dolina Valley, Low Tatra Mountains, Slovakia) represents the earliest known occurrence of marine
tetrapods in the Western Carpathians. The specimen represents a partly articulated portion of the postcranial skeleton
(nine dorsal vertebrae, coracoid, ribs, gastral ribs, pelvic girdle, femur and one zeugopodial element). It is assigned to
the Pachypleurosauria, more precisely to the Serpianosaurus–Neusticosaurus clade based on the following combination
of features: (1) small body size; (2) morphology of vertebrae, ribs and femur; (3) tripartite gastral ribs; and (4) micro-
anatomy of the femur as revealed by µCT. Members of this clade were described from the epicontinental Germanic Basin
and the Alpine Triassic (now southern Germany, Switzerland, Italy), and possibly from Spain. This finding shows that
pachypleurosaur reptiles attained a broader geographical distribution during the Middle Triassic, with their geographical
range reaching to the Central Western Carpathians. Pachypleurosaurs are often found in sediments formed in shallow,
hypersaline carbonate-platform environments. The specimen found here occurs in a succession with vermicular lime-
stones in a shallow subtidal zone and stromatolitic limestones in a peritidal zone, indicating that pachypleurosaurs
inhabited hypersaline, restricted carbonate ramps in the Western Carpathians.
Keywords: Reptilia, osteology, Gutenstein Limestone, Low Tatra Mountains, Mesozoic.
Occurrences of vertebrates are extremely rare in the Triassic
deposits of the Western Carpathians. With the exception of the
late Triassic dinosaur tracks from the Tomanová Formation of
the Tatra Mountains (Michalík et al. 1976; Michalík & Kundrát
1998; Niedźwiedzki 2011), no tetrapod remains were descri-
bed until now. Therefore, the paleogeographic and paleo-
environmental distribution of Mesozoic reptiles in this region
is poorly documented. Here, we describe an eosauropterygian
skeleton, which represents an earliest Triassic vertebrate
skele ton found in the Western Carpathians. The specimen was
found in the Gutenstein Formation of the locality Štefanová
Cave (Fig. 1; Demänovská dolina Valley, the Low Tatra Moun-
tains). The deposits are of Late Anisian age (e.g.,
Havrila in Biely et al. 1997; the age is based on brachio-
pods, echinoderms, conodonts and dasycladacean algae, see
Sauropterygia represent a diverse group of marine reptiles
that existed from the late Early Triassic until the end of the
Cretaceous (Rieppel 2000; Motani 2009). The Triassic radia-
tion consists of shallow marine Placodontia, Pachypleurosauria,
and Nothosauria as well as the more open marine Pistosauria.
In contrast, the Jurassic and Cretaceous seas were ruled by the
open marine Plesiosauria. Pachypleurosauria, Nothosauria
and Pistosauria form the Eosauropterygia (Rieppel 2000).
Their monophyly has been challenged due to the description
of several new taxa from the Middle Triassic of China (e.g.,
Jiang et al. 2008; Shang et al. 2011; Wu et al. 2011), which
exhibit a mosaic of pachypleurosaurian and nothosaurian
characters, questioning the monophyly of pachypleurosaurs
and nothosaurs (Wu et al. 2011; Ma et al. 2015). Isolated bones
of Sauropterygia are the most common skeletal elements in
the Muschelkalk bone beds of the Germanic Basin and are
numerous in the Alpine Triassic. They are also quite common
in the Middle Triassic of the eastern Tethyan (now South
, 2018, 69, 1, 3–16
Fig. 1. Štefanová Cave in the Low Tatra Mts. A — Location of the cave in Slovakia and the find location. B —
Lithostratigraphy of Middle–
Upper Triassic formations of the Fatric Unit (Krížna Nappe) in the Low Tatra Mts. C — Lithological log of the Gutenstein Formation in
the Štefanová Cave section. The pachypleurosaur find is indicated, and facies types of limestones are marked in the section (F1– F4 facies types
are spelled out in Fig. 3 caption).
, 2018, 69, 1, 3–16
China) faunal provinces. Sauropterygia have never been docu-
mented from the Western Carpathians.
Pachypleurosauria are small (<120 cm) and have a long
neck and tail as well as an elongated trunk region. They are
interpreted as anguilliform swimmers, preferring hypersaline
habitats and most likely feeding on small invertebrates/arthro-
pods (e.g., Sues 1987; Rieppel 1989). Some pachypleurosaurs
were viviparous [(Cheng et al. 2004); it should be noted that
although the tiny specimen of Neusticosaurus was identified
as an embryo by Sander (1988), the direct evidence for vivi-
parity is restricted to the chinese taxon Keichousaurus, which
is, however, frequently considered closer to nothosaurs (see
Holmes et al. 2008)]. Pachypleurosaurs from the Alpine
Triassic of Monte San Giorgio and China show morphological
adaptations for swimming such as trunk shape, body ratios
(e.g., neck, trunk, and tail lengths), simplification of limb
bones, reduction of carpal and tarsal bones, and pronounced
pachyostosis of vertebrae and ribs. Their long bones are
pachyosteosclerotic (Hugi et al. 2011). Members of the
Serpianosaurus–Neusticosaurus clade (Alpine Triassic;
Sander 1989; Rieppel 1989, 2000) and Keichousaurus
(Guizhou province; Lin & Rieppel 1998; Cheng et al. 2009;
Xue et al. 2015) were highly abundant (with hundreds of com-
plete skeletons found in the Alps and China).
The aims of this paper are: (1) an anatomical description of
the skeleton; (2) its taxonomical allocation based on morpho-
logy, including data revealed from µCT; and (3) the paleogeo-
graphic and paleoecological implications of this find for the
distribution of pachypleurosaurs during the Middle Triassic in
the Western Carpathians.
Material and methods
The fossil skeleton (for measurements, see Table 1) was
found in
Štefanová Cave (Demänovská dolina Valley, Slovakia)
the Gutenstein Limestone. The find was made by cavers
from the
P. H. group (Demänovská dolina Valley Caving Club)
and was excavated by the authors A. Č., M. O. and J. Š.
The studied specimen is housed
in the Slovak Museum of
Nature Protection and Speleology, Liptovský Mikuláš
(Slovakia) and prefixed by P
. Standard anatomical
orientation is used throughout this article.
The specimen was
scanned using the micro-computed tomography (µCT) facility
at the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Banská Bystrica,
using a Phoenix mikro-CTv|tome|x L240 with the following
VxSize = 0.05978500; Current = 220; Voltage = 220;
Inttime = 20000; Average = 3; Steps360 = 2400. The images
were recorded over 360°. Data were analysed using
Avizo 8.1
on a high-end computer workstation at the Department of
Ecology (Comenius University in Bratislava). The photo-
graphy of the fossil is from a D610 Nikon camera. The paleo-
geographic map was modified using modified data from
several authors (Michalík & Kováč 1982; Häusler et
al. 1993; Michalík 1993, 1994; Stampfli 1996; Diedrich
2009; Renesto 2010; Stockar et al. 2012; Beardmore &
Furrer 2016).
Geological setting
The cave system of the Demänovská dolina Valley is located
in the region of the Low Tatra Mountains in north-central
Slovakia (Fig. 1A).
The remains of the skeleton were reco-
vered from dark grey bedded limestones inside the Štefanová
Cave (in the part of the cave called “Eldorádo”), 26 metres
directly below the river Demänovka (GPS
48°59’25.398 N,
19°35’21.32 E)
. These limestones belong to the Gutenstein
Formation, which is well known from the Middle Triassic
sequence of Austroalpine and Central Western Carpathian
units. This formation was defined by Hauer (1853) and
intended as a dark to grey-black bedded limestones with white
carbonate veins, which alternated in their lower part with
schists of the Werfen Formation and in their upper part
(Annaberg Limestone sensu Tollmann 1966) with dolomites
of the Ramsau Formation. In the Western Carpathians, similar
limestones were also named as the Vysoká Formation (Vetters
1904), which is characterized by the presence of oolitic, bio-
stromal, tempestite and sebkha-type carbonates (Michalík et
al. 1992; Michalík 1997).
Length of articulated part of the trunk column
Length/width/height of preserved vertebrae I-IX (measured in
anteroposterior direction)
3.3/9.8/4.5 – 5.7/9.3/6.3 – 5.4/9.5/6.8 – 5.4/9.6/7 – 5.4/9.1/6.6 –
5.3/9.2/6.8 – 5.3/8.8/6.8 – 5.3/8.4/6.4 – 4.8/7.5/6.6
Length of complete ribs (measured in anteroposterior direction)
Length of gastralia
Length and width of incomplete coracoid
Length / width of incomplete right and left pubis
12.6/14.2 - 13/17
Length of incomplete femur
Midshaft width of femur
Width/thickness of proximal femur head
Length and width of incomplete zeugopodial element
Table 1: Measurements and dimensions of P 15136 in millimeters.
, 2018, 69, 1, 3–16
The Middle Triassic carbonates of the Demänovská Dolina
Valley are divided into the Gutenstein Formation, Annaberg
Limestone and Ramsau Formation (Fig. 1B). They were
already studied by Štúr (1868). He considered that they
belonged to the Muschelkalk. The sequence described by Štúr
(l.c.) comprises dark dolomitic limestones, crinoidal lime-
stones with Encrinus lilliformis and coquina limestones with
brachiopods and bivalves (e.g., Decurtella decurtata,
Spiriferina fragilis, Sp. mentzelii, Terebratulla vulgaris,
Pecten discites). These fossils proved the Anisian age of the
Gutenstein Limestone (Kettner 1927; Matějka & Andrusov
1931). Bioclastic limestones below the base of the Ramsau
Dolomite Formation also contain the Anisian dasycladacean
algae, such as Physoporella dissita, Ph. praealpina, Diplopora
annulatissima (Bystrický 1970; Biely et al. 1997). Diplopora-
bearing limestones were recorded at several sites in the vici-
nity of the Demänovská Dolina Valley (e.g., Lúčky and Siná
hill — Biely et al. 1997; Demänovská Cave of Liberty —
Volko Starohorský 1950). In the uppermost part of the
Gutenstein Formation, bioclastic limestones with cherts are
also present. They contain holothurian sklerites
immisorbicula and Theelia sp., as well as the conodonts
Prionidina mülleri, Gondolella cf. constricta, Neohindonella
sp., Gondolella excelsa, and Gondolella hanbulogi (Havrila in
Biely et al. 1997). These microfossils indicate that the transi-
tion between the Gutenstein Limestone Formation and the
Ramsau Dolomite Formation corresponds to the Pelsonian /
Illyrian boundary (i.e. Middle to early Late Anisian).
The reptile skeleton was found in peritidal facies of the
Gutenstein Formation in the Štefanová Cave section (Fig. 1C).
Similarly as in other successions of the Gutenstein Formation
in the Alps and Carpathians, they were deposited on muddy
tidal flats affected by episodic high-energy storm events
(Mišík 1968, 1972; Michalík et al. 1992; Michalík 1997; Hips
1998, 2007; Rüffer & Bechtädt 1998; Bechtel et al. 2005;
Rychliński & Szulc 2005; Gaál 2016). These facies reveal sed-
imentary environments of the Anisian carbonate platform,
which was developed in the Western Carpathian area (Fig. 2).
Facies analysis of sedimentary environments
The Štefanová Cave section is composed of shallow sub-
tidal to peritidal facies types, with vertical stacking implying
Fig. 2. Monoclinal carbonate ramp of the Gutenstein Formation within Triassic platform-basin system of the Central Western Carpathians.
Explanation: 1 — carbonate ramp facies; 2 — continental facies; 3 — lagoonal hypersaline dolomites; 4 — reefal facies of rimmed platforms;
5 — basinal facies; 6 — pluvial terrigenous facies; 7 — sebkha-type dolomite facies; 8 — lagoonal peritidal facies; 9 — terrigenous red-bed
facies; 10 — swamp and estuarine facies; 11 — biostrome intra-platform facies (adapted from Michalík 1977 and completed by facies types of
lithostratigratigraphic formations).
, 2018, 69, 1, 3–16
a cyclic nature of deposition. Subtidal facies are formed by
dark-grey bedded limestones (Fig. 3A) with mudstone to
wackestone microfacies, evaporate pseudomorphs (so-called
birdseyes — Fig. 3B), pellets (coprolites) and thick-walled
ostracods. The rare species Meandrospira deformata (Fig. 3C)
belongs to the foraminifers with ecological adaptation to
hypersaline facies (Salaj & Polák 1978). Subtidal facies
indicate a low-energy hypersaline environment on a restricted
carbonate ramp.
Shallow subtidal facies were colonized by burrowing orga-
nisms (Fig. 3D). The limestones are heavily bioturbated by
Thalassinoides (Fig. 3E), the burrows of which are sometimes
truncated by erosional surfaces and dispersed to worm-like
structures known as vermicular limestones. It seems that bio-
turbated lime mud sediments were eroded by ephemeral storm
currents. Trace fossil abundance was probably related to the
hypersaline conditions of the Anisian carbonate ramp (see
Jaglarz & Uchman 2010).
The subtidal facies are overlain by intertidal facies with
crypt algal lamination (Fig. 3F). The limestones exhibit a micro-
bial wrinkle structures of algal muds, fenestral structures and
desiccative pores. The presence of these microbial and subaerial
structures indicates shallow-water tidal flat environments of
restricted lagoons with intermittently exposed conditions.
Intertidal flat deposits are bounded by erosional scours and
overlain by cross-stratified beds of bioclastic limestones
(Fig. 3F–I). These limestones are rich in birdseye particles,
intraclasts, peloids, skeletal grains of crinoids, foraminifers
(e.g., Glomospirella lampangensis, Pilamminella cf. gemerica)
and ostracod shells (Fig. 3G, H, J). Cross-stratified beds in the
Gutenstein Limestone could be interpreted as deposits of shal-
low tidal channels or sedimentary lags filled by tempestites.
Their ripple cross-stratification also resembles imbricated
structures from storm-dominated Anisian carbonate ramps in
the Central Western Carpathians (Malé Karpaty Mts., Michalík
et al. 1992; Michalík 1997; High Tatra Mountains, Jaglarz &
Szulc 2003), Aggtelek-Rudabánya Mountains (Hips 1998)
and the Germanic Basin (Schwarz 1975).
The Gutenstein Formation at the Štefanová Cave section
was deposited in shallowing-upward cycles that capture
a transition from shallow subtidal to peritidal zones and from
low-energy to high-energy environments. The fossil skeleton
of the pachypleurosaur was found in the shallowest part of the
peritidal sequence, where gradual shoaling led to formation of
intertidal algal mats in restricted hypersaline lagoons (Fig. 1C
— F3 facies type of cryptalgal limestones). Vermicular lime-
stones from shallow subtidal environments can also indicate
a higher salinity, which suggest that pachypleurosaurs inha-
bited as swimmers hypersaline waters of the shallow carbo-
nate ramp.
Systematic paleontology
It should be noted that some authors (Wu et al. 2011; Ma et
al. 2015) did not find support for the clade Pachypleurosauria
rather than Eosauropterygia. The taxa previously included in
the Pachypleurosauria were found to be scattered in the pecti-
nate basal part of the Eosauropterygian tree. According to
these authors, Sauropterygia includes the Placodontia and the
Eosauropterygia, the latter containing the “pachypleuro-
saur-grade” taxa, and the monophyletic Nothosauroidea and
Pistosauroidea (comprising plesiosaurs). Other recent phylo-
genetic hypotheses, however, with discordant results have
been published (e.g., Lee 2013). The resolving of these
conflicts between results from data sets
is beyond the aim of
this paper and we choose to retain Pachypleurosauria as a
valid taxon here.
Sauropterygia Owen,1860
Eosauropterygia Rieppel, 1994
Pachypleurosauria Nopcsa, 1928
Pachypleurosauria indet. aff. Serpianosaurus Rieppel, 1989/
Neusticosaurus Seeley, 1882
(Figs. 4–7)
Referred specimen: partly articulated skeleton comprising
associated parts of the posterior trunk region P 15136
Gutenstein Limestone Formation of the
novská Cave system in the Low Tatra Mountains, middle to
early late Anisian, lower Middle Triassic.
Locality: Štefanová Cave (Demänovská dolina Valley,
Slovakia), 48°59‘25.398 N, 19°35‘21.32 E.
Dorsal vertebrae: Nine articulated dorsal vertebrae are pre-
served in anatomical position (Figs. 4, 5). In dorsal view they
appear swollen (pachyostotic). The anteroposteriorly elon-
gated centra are shallowly amphicoelous. In lateral aspect,
the centrum is constricted and slightly concave (Fig. 6C).
The synapophyses are large and protrude strongly laterally
(Fig. 6). The neural canal is small and rounded. The neural
spine, which is most completely preserved on the 4
(counted from posterior; see Fig. 6A–E) is rectangular in
shape and longer than high. Pre- and postzygapophyses are
small, only slightly inclined from a horizontal plane. They
possess articulation areas that are not laterally expanded, but
more-or-less directed anteroposteriorly.
Ribs: Seven ribs are well preserved on the left side
(Fig. 5). They are robust and curved. The curvature is espe-
cially distinct in the anterior ones, where the ribs are markedly
bent in the proximal third of their length. The last two poste-
riorly located ribs are slightly smaller relative to the others.
Rib thickness is largest along the proximal articulation area.
They are single-headed. Distally the ribs end bluntly.
Gastral ribs: The preserved gastral ribs are well ossified
(Fig. 4). These elements are only preserved in the posterior
section of the specimen. They consist of three parts, gradually
diverging posterolaterally (see Rieppel 2000). There is a broad
, 2018, 69, 1, 3–16
Fig. 3. Limestone facies of the Gutenstein Formation at the Štefanová Cave section. Four limestones facies (F1– F4) are outlined on the basis
of their microfacies, microfossils, stratification, bio-erosion and sedimentary environments. F1: dark grey well-bedded micritic limestones (A)
with sparitic vugs after anhydrite — birdseye structures (B) and foraminifers Meandrospira deformata (C) from shallow subtidal hypersaline
environments; F2: densely burrowed limestones (D) with crustacean trace fossils — ?Thalassinoides sp. (E) from shallow subtidal storm-
influenced environments; F3: laminated cryptalgal limestones and grainstone tempestites (F) with reworked particles of evaporate
pseud o morphs (G) and foraminifers Glomospirella lampangensis (H) from intertidal environments; F4: cross-stratified bed of bioclastic lime-
stones (I) and erosional base of tempestite with skeletal grains, ooids and peloids (J) from tidal channels or storm-influenced environments.
, 2018, 69, 1, 3–16
medioventral element, possessing an anterior projection and
a slender lateral element on either side of it.
Coracoid: The element occupying the anterior region of the
preserved skeleton is interpreted here as a coracoid (Fig. 5).
Unfortunately, this element is badly preserved — heavily
weathered and damaged. It is flat but robustly built. The mid-
dle portion is typically constricted, which is expressed espe-
cially on one side. This side is regarded as the medial margin,
because according to Rieppel (1989), this margin is typically
more concave than the lateral one.
Pelvic girdle: The pubis is preserved on both sides, although
its original shape is difficult to determine because its margins
are damaged (Fig. 7A–C). The bone is essentially a flat
element. Its thickness gradually decreases medially, whereas it
is more robust around the acetabulum. It is slightly constricted
in its mid-region, however, this is preserved only on one side.
The dorsal side is weakly angulated. The ventral side of both
right and left elements possesses grooves (two in the left and
one in the right pubis). However,
these grooves were most
likely caused by postmortem and fossilization processes (they
may be, e.g., bore holes of clionid sponges). The bone
pierced by a small obturator foramen in its posterior margin,
where it contacts the ischium, which is close to the elliptical
acetabulum. The obturator foramen is almost fully enclosed in
the pubis, although a small shallow notch on the ventral sur-
face runs from the foramen to the margin. The bony septum,
Fig. 4.
A — The pachypleurosaur skeleton P 15136 from Štefanová Cave in Gutenstein Limestone. B — CT visualization of the find.
C — detail of visible gastral ribs.
, 2018, 69, 1, 3–16
Fig. 5.
The pachypleurosaur skeleton P 15136 from Štefanová Cave. Segmented skeletal preserved elements
(except the gastral ribs) in:
A — dorsal, B — ventral, and C — lateral views.
, 2018, 69, 1, 3–16
Fig. 6.
The Triassic pachypleurosaur P 15136 from Štefanová Cave.
Vertebrae in: A, F — anterior; B, G — posterior; C, H — lateral;
D, I — dorsal; and E, J — ventral views.
, 2018, 69, 1, 3–16
which surrounds the foramen is porous. Incomplete remains of
another element, which are located medially between the right
and left pubis, is interpreted here as the ischium.
Femur: Only the proximal to midshaft part of the femur is
preserved. The diaphysis is elongated and nearly straight, the
proximal head not offset. In the region close to the proximal
region, rugosities on the surface are present. The midshaft
cross section is typically round (Fig. 7D).
CT data revealed microanatomical information from the
oval cross section of midshaft area (Fig. 7D). The femur has
a central large medullary region that is filled by tissue and
scattered with few erosional cavities appearing as dark spots
in Fig. 7D. Thus, the femoral cross sections reveal osteo-
sclerosis. The medullary region is surrounded by a distinct
dark ring, which is most likely the sharp line of Klein (2010)
and Hugi et al. (2011) representing the border between endo-
steal and periosteal domains. Details of the bone tissue and of
the vasculary system cannot be made out.
Zeugopodial bone: A fragment of a zeugopodial element is
preserved. It is compressed, resulting in a markedly elliptical
cross-section. Due to the size of the element (Table 1) in com-
parison to the femur, it could well represent the tibia.
Taxonomic assignment
The small size and the morphology of the preserved elements
such as the pachyostotic vertebrae and proximal ribs, as well
as the tripartite gastral ribs clearly point to affinities with the
pachypleurosaur Neusticosaurus, or at least with the
Neusticosaurus + Serpianosaurus clade (Rieppel 1989, 2000;
Sander 1989). In the specimen P 15136, the number of gastral
ribs is estimated on the basis of the preserved portion. In any
case, even if the total number of elements would be five, this
would be not in contrast with our assignment to the pachypleu-
rosaurs, since gastral ribs are composed of five elements each
in primitive pachypleurosaurs such as Serpianosaurus as well
(see Rieppel 1989). However, the incorporation of five elements
in a gastral rib is regarded as representative of the plesiomor-
phic condition and thus cannot be diagnostic (Rieppel 1989;
e.g., the nothosaur Lariosaurus, which also includes small
representatives, has 5-part gastral ribs as well). The shape and
preserved morphology of the girdle elements, although all
highly incomplete, and of the femur support our assignment.
Fig. 7.
The Triassic pachypleurosaur P 15136 from Štefanová Cave.
Pubis in: A — dorsal; B — ventral and C — posterior view. D — femur in
cross-section revealed from µCT.
, 2018, 69, 1, 3–16
The femoral cross sections reveals a compact medullary region
resulting in osteosclerosis similar to what was described for
Neusticosaurus and Serpianosaurus (Hugi et al. 2011) and
contrary to the condition in the pachypleurosaur Anarosaurus
heterodontus and Nothosaurus spp., which have a free cavity
at femur midshaft (Klein 2012; pers. obs. of N. K.).
A more precise identification is not possible due to the
incompleteness of P 15136 and due to the general lack of diag-
nostic characters in the postcranial skeleton of Pachy-
pleurosauria. An unambiguous assignment to Eosauropterygia
is often only possible when a skull is preserved on which alpha
taxonomy is usually solely based (e.g., Rieppel 2000; Klein
2012; Klein et al. 2016a).
According to Rieppel & Hagdorn (1997, 1998), the
Serpianosaurus–Neusticosaurus clade originated in the Alpine
Triassic at a time around the Anisian–Ladinian boundary and
diversified in the southern Alpine intraplatform basin from
where hundreds of complete individuals are known (e.g.,
Sander 1989; Rieppel 2000). Whereas Serpianosaurus was
restricted to the Alpine Triassic of Monte San Giorgio (Italy
and Switzerland), Neusticosaurus spp. was more widespread
and is also documented in southern Germany (early Ladinian/
Lettenkeuper of Hoheneck; Seeley 1882; Rieppel & Lin
1995). A possible member of the Serpianosaurus–
Neusticosaurus clade was also reported from Spain (Rieppel
& Hagdorn 1998). Other eosauropterygians, however, have
been collected in Israel and Saudi Arabia (Rieppel 2000).
Our find now proves that the Serpianosaurus–
Neusticosaurus clade was even more widely distributed in
Europe during the Middle Triassic than previously thought
and that they inhabited the marine environments of the Western
Carpathians already during the late Anisian.
Paleogeographic and paleoecological implications
Pachypleurosaurs were typically near-shore inhabitants,
sticking to shallow marine environments (Sues 1987; Rieppel
1989; Rothschild & Storrs 2003). They show few morpho-
logical adaptations to swimming and seem not to have been
very efficient swimmers or divers (Carroll & Gaskill 1985;
Fig. 8. Paleogeographic sketch map of the European – western Tethyan realm in the Middle Triassic period (after Michalík & Kováč 1982;
Häusler et al. 1993; Michalík 1993, 1994; Stampfli 1996; Diedrich 2009; modified). 1 — dry land; 2 — epicontinental sea; 3 — carbonate
platforms of the Alpine–Carpathian shelf; 4 — carbonate platforms of the Apulia shelf; 5 — Paleo-Tethyan oceanic basin; 6 — pachypleuro-
saurs and their possible migratory routes from Germanic basin to Carpathian basins (full red line indicates more presumable route than that of
dashed line). Asterisk — indication of Monte San Giorgio locality with abundant fossil record of pachypleurosaurs in Southern Alps (see
Renesto 2010; Stockar et al. 2012; Beardmore & Furrer 2016).
, 2018, 69, 1, 3–16
Hugi et al. 2011), in contrast to other members of Sauropterygia
that lived at the same time (e.g., Rieppel 2000; Klein et al.
2015, 2016b). At localities from the eastern Tethyan faunal
provinces (now South China), the environments that yielded
high numbers of pachypleurosaurs are interpreted as hyper-
saline (Wang et al. 2008). It should be noted that terrestrial
land was close to all these localities.
A preference for shallow marine and hypersaline habitats
fits well with the paleoenvironmental conditions suggested for
the Gutenstein Formation, which is interpreted as a mono-
clinal carbonate ramp (Michalík et al. 1992; Hips 1998), with
sedimentological, ichnological, and
geochemical evidence for
hypersaline conditions (Mišík 1972; Spötl 1988, Jaglarz &
Uchman 2010). Birdseye, stromatolitic and vermicular facies
at the Štefanová
Cave section indicate that pachypleurosaurs
inhabited environments with hypersaline conditions
The preser-
vation of associated elements of the incomplete skeleton
P 15136 rules out long-distance
and indicates that
the specimen is not allochthonous.
The interpretation of the Gutenstein Formation of
Demänovská dolina Valley (shallow marine carbonate ramp,
sedimentation in a shallow subtidal to peritidal environment)
as well as the presence of a marine reptile in this layer can
indicate the presence of a coast nearby and/or at least some
elevated areas such as small islands. The European pachy-
pleurosaurs are assumed to be anguiliform swimmers (e.g.,
Caroll & Gaskill 1985; Lin & Rieppel 1998; Houssaye 2012),
but with the inability to dive deeply (Rieppel 1989). Moreover,
it has been suggested that the forelimbs of small European
pachypleurosaurs are also used for terrestrial locomotion
(Sander 1989; Lin & Rieppel 1998). Although sedimento-
logical evidence from the Anisian formations in the Central
Carpathian units does not indicate any presence of terrestrial
habitats (Fig. 8), presence of small islands (peritidal environ-
ments are typically associated with barrier islands, channels)
can be rather inferred from facies differentiation and shallo-
wing upward cyclicity generated by migrating islands.
Acknowledgements: We are indebted to Krister T. Smith
(Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum
in Frankfurt am Main) for English corrections. For critically
reading the manuscript and the text corrections, we thank
A. Tomašovych, J. Michalík (both Slovak Academy of Sciences)
and S. Renesto (Insubria University). We thank the Slovak
Museum of Nature Protection and Speleology in Liptovský
Mikuláš for the access and permission to take the fossil out.
This project was supported by projects APVV-14-0118 from
the Slovak Research and Development Agency, and by grant
2/0034/16 from the VEGA Scientific Agency.
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