, FEBRUARY 2017, 68, 1, 19 – 28
doi: 10.1515/geoca-2017-0002
Long-term geomorphological evolution in the Abruzzo area,
Central Italy: twenty years of research
Department of Engineering and Geology, Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara, Italy;,,
(Manuscript received January 8, 2016; accepted in revised form November 30, 2016)
Abstract: The most recent research studies into the long-term landscape evolution of the Abruzzo area, carried out over
the last twenty years at the “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara, are based on an integrated approach incorpo-
rating structural geology and geomorphology and, in particular, the geomorphometry of topographic and hydrographic
aspects, geological and structural-geomorphological surveys and mapping supported by morpho-stratigraphic and
chrono logical constraints.The geomorphological analyses have allowed us to outline the main stages of geomorphological
evolution and to identify the factors that have contributed to the landscape shaping of the Apennine Chain, the Adriatic
Piedmont and the fluvial plains and coastal sectors, up to the Tremiti islands. In the Apennine Chain, landscape evolution
— in a ridge, valley and basin system — is connected to the regional uplift, local tectonic subsidence and local base level
variations, which have led to changes in the drainage systems, from exoreic to endorheic (in the intermontane basins) and
then to exoreic again. In the Adriatic Piedmont, landscape shaping is connected to uplifting and eustatic sea-level
fluctuations, which have induced the formation of a structure-controlled drainage system and the shaping of systems of
entrenched alluvial fans and large consequent river valleys, with flights of river terraces. In the coastal Adriatic area
— composed of a coastal plain-coastal slope system (northern and southern coast) and of a cliffed rocky coast (central
coast, Tremiti) interrupted by river valleys — landscape shaping is the result of selective erosion due to the interaction
between marine geomorphic processes and slope processes connected to Late Quaternary eustatic fluctuations.
Keywords: geomorphological studies, landscape evolution, Neogene–Quaternary, Central Apennine Chain, Adriatic
Piedmont, coastal areas.
Research studies on the relief landforms and processes that
characterize the Abruzzo area are very complex, requiring an
interdisciplinary approach that involves structural geomor-
phology in a broad sense, and must take into consideration the
various tectonic events that occurred in the Central
The Abruzzo area can be divided into three main morpho-
structural domains: the Central Apennines Chain, the Adriatic
Piedmont, with its large fluvial plains, and the coastal area,
each one presenting different morphostructural features in
terms of both surface and deep structure. The structural-
geomorphological relations, boundaries and internal differen-
tiations between the three domains, which reflect a different
morphogenesis at different times, are particularly significant.
In this framework, the various stages of evolution (especially
the initial ones) and the connections between the domains are
not entirely clear. These domains are the result of differen-
tiated geomorphological evolution, which took place after the
initial emersion stages: Eocene–?Oligocene to Miocene in the
chain areas and late Early Pleistocene in the piedmont and
even later in the coastal areas.
The geomorphological research conducted over the last
twenty years by the authors — and still under way — has
focused on the long-term geomorphological evolution of the
Abruzzo area, in connection with the scientific debate (since
Castiglioni 1935; Demangeot 1965; Mazzanti & Trevisan
1978) about the evolution of Central Italy. The research has
focused on the comparison of the Apennine Chain, the Adria-
tic Piedmont and the Adriatic sectors, up to the Tremiti islands
(Fig. 1), with particular reference to:
• morphogenesis in the chain, piedmont and coastal
• geomorphological evolution of the intermontane basins
and the main Abruzzo drainage systems, with reference to
tectonic processes and eustatic fluctuations;
• slope processes in relation to morphostructural features.
The research work of the authors was based upon detailed
geomorphological analyses carried out at local, catchment
and regional scales, including in particular topography and
graphy geomorphometry, bedrock and Quaternary
surface deposits mapping, and structural-geomorphological
mapping, further supported by the definition of morpho-
stratigraphic and chronological constraints (
C, U/Th,
Ar/Ar dating). This approach is a key tool for understanding
the long-term evolution of the landscape resulting from the
combination of the tectonic processes that have built up the
relief and the geomorphological surface processes that have
dismantled it.
, 2017, 68, 1, 19 – 28
General geological and geomorphological structure
of the Abruzzo area
The current landscape setting of the Abruzzo area, as well as
that of the northern and southern Italian peninsula, is the result
of the Neogene–Quaternary geological evolution of an
east-verging chain-foredeep-foreland orogenic system gene-
rated through the westward subduction of the Adriatic micro-
plate (Fig. 1).
Geomorphological evolution began with the emersion of the
orogen, forming an initial landscape, at least from the Mio-
cene (possibly Eocene–?Oligocene) in the chain area and from
the late Early
Pleistocene in the piedmont area, and it is closely
connected with a complex combination of endogenous (mor-
photectonics) and exogenous processes (slope, fluvial, karst
and glacial processes), also inducing selective erosion on
existing geological structures.
The morphology of the Central Apennine Chain is asym-
metric, with its highest peaks (Gran Sasso, 2912 m a.s.l.;
Maiella, 2793 m a.s.l.; Figs. 1 and 2) located eastward of the
main Tyrrhenian–Adriatic drainage divide, and is characte-
rized by the superimposition of undulations of different wave-
lengths, comprising a wide bulging (>100 km), intermediate
undulations (10 –20 km) and minor undulations (< 2km)
(Fig. 2; D’Agostino et al. 2001; Molin & Fubelli 2005;
Piacentini & Miccadei 2014). The chain is made up of thrust
sheets that were generated through the deformation of
Mesozoic–Cenozoic palaeogeographical domains (carbonate
platforms and related margins, slope and basin) consisting of
pre-orogenic lithological sequences having different
Fig. 1. Location map of the study area and geological scheme of central Italy (modified from Parotto et al. 2004). The boxes show the location
of Fig. 2.
, 2017, 68, 1, 19 – 28
thicknesses, rheology and erodibility (mainly limestone and/or
alternating limestone/marl). Orogenic compressional tectonics
along NW–SE to N–S-oriented thrusts affected the Central
Apennines from the Late Miocene (western side) to the Early
Pliocene (eastern side). This deformation caused the complex
superimposition of the tectonic units one over the other and
over synorogenic pelitic arenaceous turbiditic sequences.
The consequent tectonic thickening led to the emersion of the
chain and the shaping of the incipient landscape composed of
low hilly relief, gentle surfaces and islands, bordered by bays
and small marine basins (Coltorti & Pieruccini 2000; Parotto
et al. 2004; APAT 2006 a,b,c,d; Patacca et al. 2008; ISPRA
2010 a,b,c,d; Vezzani et al. 2010; Calamita et al. 2012;
Miccadei et al. 2012 a; Bonini et al. 2014 and references
therein). Compressional deformation was followed by strike-
slip tectonics along mostly NW–SE to NNW–SSE-oriented
faults poorly constrained in age and largely masked by later
extensional tectonic events. Strike-slip tectonics contributed
to defining a more complex tectonic setting, deforming the
compressional tectonic units.
Since the Early Pleistocene (and more intensively during
the Middle Pleistocene), the orogen underwent regional up lif-
ting (average rate 0.2–1 mm/a), connected to sublithospheric
dynamics and responsible for the long-wavelength bulging of
the chain (Demangeot 1965; Cinque et al. 1993; Dramis 1993;
Ascione & Cinque 1999; D’Agostino et al. 2001; Mayer et
al. 2003; Ascione et al. 2008; Carminati & Doglioni 2012;
Faccenna et al. 2014). In connection with regional uplift, local
extensional tectonics affected the chain — first in the western
areas and then in the eastern ones — and led to the formation
of the intermediate topography undulations along the main
NW–SE-trending extensional fault systems (Fig. 2) (average
slip-rates ~ 0.1–1.5 mm/a; Papanikolaou et al. 2005 and refe-
rences therein). This caused the uplifting of the chain system,
the formation of the intermontane basins (Cavinato & De
Celles 1999; Galadini & Messina 2004; Giaccio et al. 2012;
Bonini et al. 2014; Piacentini & Miccadei 2014 and references
therein), the ensuing widening of the chain area and the emer-
sion of the Adriatic Piedmont (Dramis 1993; Coltorti et al.
1991, 1996; Aucelli et al. 1996; Centamore et al. 1996; Del
Monte et al. 1996; Lupia Palmieri et al. 1996, 1998; Ascione
& Cinque 1999; D’Alessandro et al. 2003; Mayer et al. 2003).
The present-day tectonic setting is characterized by exten-
sional tectonics still active in the axial part of the chain, which
is characterized by intense seismicity and strong historical
earthquakes (up to M 7.0; e.g. Fucino 1915; L’Aquila 2009).
The Adriatic Piedmont is characterized by moderate uplifting
and moderate seismicity, while the Adriatic sea is affected by
subsidence and by moderate compression and strike-slip
related seismicity (Di Bucci & Angeloni 2013 and references
The combination of these processes with Quaternary cli-
mate fluctuations led to the most important morphogenetic
phases, involving morphotectonic and selective erosion pro-
cesses, both in the chain area and in the piedmont and coastal
areas. This resulted in the reorganization of drainage systems,
the dismembering of the palaeo-landscapes generated during
the initial shaping stage, the development of consequent
valleys with flights of fluvial terraces and the formation of the
present-day landscape (D’Agostino et al. 2001; Ascione et al.
2008; Nesci et al. 2012; Piacentini & Miccadei 2014 and refe-
rences therein).
Fig. 2. Swath profile in the SW–NE direction across the central Apennines (from 40 m DEM). Maximum, minimum and average elevations
(and the related interpolation) are shown, as well as the main extensional fault systems and the position of the main divides (modified form
Piacentini & Miccadei 2014).
, 2017, 68, 1, 19 – 28
Main stages of geomorphological evolution in the
chain, piedmont and coastal sectors
of the Abruzzo area
The present-day relief of the central Apennine Chain area
consists of a series of morphostructural elements that form the
intermediate undulations of the topography (Figs. 2 and 3):
• ridges resulting from a combination of morphotectonic
and selective erosion processes, with variable NW–SE to
N–S directions (e.g., thrust ridges, anticlinal ridges, faulted
homocline ridges), formed in pre-orogenic Mesozoic–
Cenozoic calcareous sequences;
• narrow erosion valleys (e.g., fault line valleys, transversal
valleys, radial valleys), longitudinal and transversal to the
Fig. 3. Scheme of the morphostructural elements of central-eastern Abruzzo (modified from D’Alessandro et al. 2003).
Chain (C) — Ridges: Cr1) exhumed thrust ridge; Cr2) faulted homocline ridge; Cr3) exhumed anticline ridge. Valleys: Cv1) tectonic valley;
Cv2) fault line valley; Cv3) radial or transversal valley. Basins: Cb1) tectonic basin; Cb2) tectonic-karst basin. Piedmont (M) — Reliefs:
Mh1) homoclinal reliefs; Mh2) mesa relief; Mh3) exhumed thrust relief; Mh4) relief on chaotic lithological sequences; Valleys: Mv1) conse-
quent valley; Mv2) subsequent valley. Plains (P) — Pa) Alluvial plains. Symbols: 1) dip direction domain; 2) thrust; 3) strike-slip fault ; 4)
normal fault; 5) main fault scarp; 6) main fault line scarp; 7) main ridge; 8) divide.
, 2017, 68, 1, 19 – 28
NW–SE-trending chain axis, underlain by synorogenic
pelitic-arenaceous sequences (fault line valleys) or carved
into the calcareous bedrock (transversal and radial
• tectonic valleys and large tectonic intermontane basins,
mostly NW–SE-elongated and partly filled with Quater-
nary post-orogenic continental deposits.
These morphostructural elements were affected by the main
surface processes (mostly fluvial, slope, lacustrine, karst and
glacial) induced and controlled by climate fluctuations, local
and regional tectonics and related base level variations.
The analysis of the geomorphological-structural characte-
ristics of the main ridges, valleys and intermontane basins, of
the drainage systems and of karst palaeo-landscapes (Ciccacci
et al. 1999; Miccadei et al. 1999; Piacentini 2000; Cavinato et
al. 2002; Villani 2004; Ascione et al. 2007; Berti 2008;
Piacentini & Miccadei 2014; Santo et al. 2014 and references
therein) has enabled us to outline the evolution of the land-
scape in relation to uplifting, extensional tectonics and geo-
morphological processes (Fig. 4).
The earliest evidence of local erosion, probably due to karst
processes, dates back to the Eocene–Oligocene (Miccadei et
al. 2012a), bearing witness to the early emersion
that took
place when the area was still in the foreland of the Apennine
orogenic system. Between the Late Miocene and the Pliocene,
the Abruzzo area was progressively affected by compressional
tectonics. The landscape was gradually transformed into
a series of islands, separated by some marine sedimentary
basins, where deposits were laid down over the deformed
pre-orogenic sequences (piggy-back, thrust-top basins;
Fig. 4. Distribution of the geomorphic processes in the chain, piedmont and coastal plain sectors of the Abruzzo area.
, 2017, 68, 1, 19 – 28
Cipollari et al. 1999; Miccadei et al. 2012a and references
therein). This initial landscape was characterized by minor
topographic undulations related to karst and fluvial erosion,
the remnants of which have been preserved at the top of the
relief; patches of conglomerates with allochthonous elements
found at high elevations and in large hanging valleys provide
evidence of a pre-existing drainage system originating from
the western sectors (Marsica area; Miccadei & Parotto 1999;
Miccadei et al. 2012a).
In the chain area, since the Early Pleistocene (Fig. 4), anti-
clinal ridges, thrust ridges (e.g., Monte Morrone, Montagna
Grande) and fault line valleys (e.g., the Giovenco River Valley,
Sangro River Valley and Tasso Stream Valley) have been
shaped by the geomorphic processes controlled by the litho-
structural features of
compressional structures. The presence
of palaeosurface remnants on top of the relief and the arrange-
ment of continental deposits on the valley slopes show various
stages in the deepening of the hydrographic network and in the
incision of the landscape that started in the Early Pleistocene,
when part of the relief had probably already developed
(Galadini & Messina 2004; Ascione et al. 2008; Aucelli et al.
2011; Giaccio et al. 2012). This led to the outline of the current
chain configuration.
Intermontane basins, tectonic valleys and homoclinal
faulted ridges started to be shaped diachronically in connec-
tion with extensional tectonics: from the Early Pleistocene in
the western portion of the Apennines and from the late Early
Pleistocene in the axial and eastern sides (Figs. 3 and 4)
(Cavinato & De Celles 1999; D’Agostino et al. 2001; Galadini
& Messina 2004; Carminati & Doglioni 2012; Bonini et al.
2014; Mazzoli et al. 2014; Piacentini & Miccadei 2014). Large
intermontane basins were formed, elongated in a NW–SE to
NNW–SSE direction and bounded by normal faults mostly on
their eastern sides (Fig. 4). These basins were progressively
filled with sequences of alluvial fan, fluvial and lacustrine
deposits. The tectonic subsidence of the basins led to the
re arrangement of the drainage systems and the formation of
endorheic areas in the axial part of the chain (Fucino,
During the Early–Middle Pleistocene, intermontane basins
were filled primarily by sequences of lacustrine deposits.
These bear witness to the formation of a large system of lacus-
trine basins within low-lying areas bordered by fault related
escarpments and fault slopes. These basins developed mostly
along NW–SE and WSW–ENE-oriented fault systems, with
complex deformation histories (including strike-slip move-
ments) and a last stage characterized by extensional tectonics.
During the latter, the local tectonic subsidence rate was higher
than the regional
uplift rate, thus preserving an endorheic
drainage system in the basins.
Extensional tectonics induced the formation of large sets of
tectonic landforms and of slope-alluvial fan deposits. At the
same time, variations in local base levels (within the intermon-
tane basins) and the deepening of the hydrographic network
induced intense surface processes and controlled the develop-
ment and exhumation of thrust and anticlinal ridges (Ciccacci
et al. 1999; Miccadei et al. 1999, 2004; Cavinato et al. 2002;
Galadini & Messina 2004; Giaccio et al. 2012; Piacentini &
Miccadei 2014; Santo et al. 2014; for the surrounding areas
see also Coltorti et al. 1991, 1996; Amato et al. 2014; Aringoli
et al. 2014; Giano et al. 2014; Labella et al. 2014 and refe-
rences therein).
In the late Middle Pleistocene, the Appenines area under-
went an extensive landscape modification. A sudden change
occurred, from closed drainage systems and lacustrine basins
to open through-going drainage systems connected to the
Adriatic Piedmont. This is indicated in the sedimentary
sequence of the intermontane basins by the transition — with
erosional contacts and unconformities — from lacustrine
deposits to mainly fluvial and alluvial ones. In this stage, the
effects of regional uplift and geomorphic processes overcame
the local tectonic subsidence, inducing the incision and deepe-
ning of the drainage network. The connection between the
basins and the Piedmont was the result of the incision of both
longitudinal (along tectonic or fault line valleys) and trans-
versal deep gorges (along transversal valleys crossing fault
slopes, faulted homocline ridges and thrust ridges).
The front of the Apennine Chain experienced extensive
modifications connected with the evolution of the chain. From
the Miocene to the Pliocene, the front migrated from west to
east, inducing the gradual emersion of the chain. Since the
Early Pleistocene, it has been located in its present position
near the outer and more superficial thrusts. In this area, geo-
morphological studies and mapping (D’Alessandro et al.
2008; Della Seta et al. 2008; Miccadei et al. 2012c, 2013) have
shown the development of intense selective erosion processes
induced by the regional uplift and controlled by the passive
role of morphostructures and lithology in terms of hardness,
fracturing and erodibility. These processes resulted in the for-
mation of major thrust ridges (Gran Sasso, eastern Morrone)
and exhumed anticlinal ridges (Maiella) along the chain front.
From the Middle to the Late Pleistocene, these morphostruc-
tures were incised by radial valleys (Maiella) and transversal
valleys. The main transversal valleys (e.g., Popoli gorges,
Pescara River) defined the connection of the drainage system
of the Apennines Chain with the one in the piedmont area.
Along the front of the chain, a sequence of alluvial fans and
terraced fluvial deposits provides evidence that the incision
occurred as a result of uplifting and drainage network deepe-
ning (see also Demangeot 1965; Dufaure et al. 1989; Coltorti
et al. 1991, 1996; Aucelli et al. 1996; Del Monte et al. 1996;
Nesci & Savelli 2003).
The Adriatic Piedmont landscape (D’Alessandro et al. 2003,
2008; Paron 2004; Della Seta et al. 2008; Buccolini et al.
2010; Miccadei et al. 2012c, 2013; for surrounding areas see
also Coltorti et al. 1991, 1996; Giannandrea et al. 2014: Gioia
et al. 2014) started to develop more recently, during the emer-
sion phase that occurred in the late Early Pleistocene (Fig. 4).
Its morphostructural setting is the result of the late evolution
of the Adriatic foredeep domain of the Apennine orogenic sys-
tem, with a coarsening-up sequence of marine clayey-san-
dy-conglomeratic rocks (Late Pliocene–Early Pleistocene)
, 2017, 68, 1, 19 – 28
characterized by a slightly NE-dipping homoclinal setting.
After the emersion, uplifting led to the shaping of cuestas,
mesas and plateaux incised by approximately SW–NE-
oriented consequent valleys. Some of these valleys lie within
the piedmont area. Others originate from the chain front and
cut across the whole piedmont. The main ones originate at the
core of the chain, cross its front through the main transversal
valleys and run across the piedmont within large alluvial
plains. The latter are characterized by fluvial deposits arranged
in flights of at least four orders of terraces that formed in the
Middle Pleistocene–Holocene interval. The slopes are exten-
sively covered by landslide and colluvial deposits (Della Seta
et al. 2008; D’Alessandro et al. 2008; ISPRA 2010 a,b,c,d;
Miccadei et al. 2013; for the surrounding areas see also
Coltorti et al. 1991, 1996; Bracone et al. 2012; Nesci et al.
2012; Giannandrea et al. 2014; Giano & Giannandrea 2014
and references therein). Secondary valleys show clear geo-
morphological evidence of tectonics, such as river bends,
hanging valleys and counterflow confluences. The correla-
tions between the above-mentioned geomorphic features and
the various generations of alluvial fans and river terraces in the
main and secondary valleys, together with the chronostrati-
graphic constraints, outline the shaping of a rectangular hydro-
graphic network and its possible timing. This network
deve loped in the late Middle Pleistocene and was influenced
by mainly SW–NE, N–S, NW–SE-oriented minor faults and
main joints associated with uplifting processes. It was gra-
dually incorporated in the hydrographic network rearrange-
ment up to its current configuration, which indeed still shows
a number of anomalies (network orientations, counterflow
confluences, knick points, stream captures, etc.; D’Alessandro
et al. 2008; Della Seta et al. 2008; Miccadei et al. 2012 c,
2013). Finally, rapid slope and fluvial plain dynamics are also
recorded in more recent times, mainly connected to anthropic
factors (e.g. Coltorti et al. 1996; Capelli et al. 1997; Buccolini
et al. 2007; Piacentini et al. 2015).
Therefore, the piedmont area is mainly characterized by
selective erosion processes, while the control of tectonics on
landforms is less present, although it strongly contributed to
defining the arrangement of the drainage network.
The Abruzzo coastal belt borders
the mesas and plateaux
sloping down from the piedmont area. It features a narrow,
elongated coastal plain bounded by palaeocliffs (northern
part) and a rock coast with cliffs of variable height and small
pocket beaches (southern part). Landscape shaping is con-
trolled by the geological setting of the Adriatic foredeep and
induced by uplifting, climate changes and Late Quaternary
eustatic sea-level fluctuations. In order to better understand
the landscape evolution of foreland areas, this sector was com-
pared with the Tremiti area (Ricci 2005; Mascioli 2008;
Miccadei et al. 2011a,b, 2012b; Parlagreco et al. 2011). Large
stretches of the Abruzzo coastal slopes are characterized by
palaeo-landslides, which involved entire slope portions (e.g.,
Ortona, Vasto), leading to the current coast configuration. Col-
luvial deposits and calcretes (dating: U/Th 30 –50 ka) covering
the landslide deposits allow us to date these phenomena to the
first part of the Late Pleistocene, in low sea level stands
(Calamita et al. 2012; Della Seta et al. 2013; Piacentini et al.
2015). The Holocene post-glacial sea-level rise induced the
filling of Late Pleistocene palaeo-valleys, the shaping of the
present cliffs and coastal slopes and the formation of a narrow
coastal plain. The coastal area is also characterized by recent
system of coastal dunes largely removed by urbanization and
anthropic activities (Miccadei et al. 2011b). The prevailing
role of selective erosion and morphosculptures can be assessed
in the coastal area too, in spite of the role played by tectonic
features, which have passively controlled the development of
cliffs and landslides.
The beginning of the morphogenesis and Quaternary geo-
morphologic evolution of the Apennine Chain and of the
related piedmont and coastal areas has always been at the cen-
tre of lively scientific debate. The geomorphological analysis
carried out by the authors in the Abruzzo and surrounding
areas have allowed us to outline the main evolutionary stages
and to identify the factors that have contributed to the land-
scape shaping of the main morphostructural domains (Fig. 4).
The geomorphological evolution of these domains has varied
over space and time and has been influenced by climate
changes and the effects of regional uplift, with different conse-
quences related to local tectonics or litho-structural control.
The main evidence is recorded in the morphostructures located
at the boundaries between the chain, piedmont and coastal
domains and in the internal variability of these domains
(Fig. 4).
The Abruzzo Apennine Chain is characterized by a complex
geological setting and landscape that evolved as a result of the
continuous combination — from Neogene to Quaternary times
— of tectonics and selective erosion, which are strongly
influenced by the juxtaposition of different lithological
sequences due to polyphasic (compressive, strike-slip and
extensional) tectonics and regional uplift. Landscape shaping
— in a ridge, valley and basin system — was thus controlled
by the combination of regional uplift and local tectonic sub-
sidence, which induced changes in the drainage base levels of
the intermontane basins and changes in the drainage systems,
from exoreic to endorheic and then to exoreic again. Climate
changes have affected the distribution of glacial and karst
as well as the variation in landslides and debris pro-
duction on the slopes and sediment transport in river valleys.
The overall morphostructural setting of the landscape is the
result of the active role of tectonics (which is prevalent in the
central and western sectors) and the passive role of the struc-
ture in selective erosion processes (which prevails in the
southern and eastern sectors; Fig. 4).
The Adriatic Piedmont has mainly a homoclinal morpho-
structural setting, incised by large consequent river valleys.
Landscape shaping has mostly resulted from the combination
of uplifting and eustatic sea-level fluctuations, together with
, 2017, 68, 1, 19 – 28
climate changes and the related variation in sediment transport
in slopes and rivers. These processes have controlled the
selective erosion on hills and slopes and the shaping of river
valleys, with the formation of a series of wide alluvial fans and
fluvial terraces. From a morphostructural standpoint, the land-
scape is mainly influenced by selective erosion (cuestas,
mesas, plateaux) and uplift/fluvial incision processes (river
valleys and terraces), while the active role of local tectonics is
less evident, although the main tectonic elements essentially
controlled the development of the hydrographic network.
The coastal area is characterized, in the northern part, by
a narrow and elongated coastal plain with remnants of palaeo-
cliffs, interrupted by wide river valleys and, in the central-
southern part, by a rock coast with active and inactive cliffs
and large landslides. From a morphostructural standpoint,
landscape shaping is the result of selective erosion, due to the
interaction between marine geomorphic processes (and Late
Quaternary eustatic sea-level variations) and slope processes
(major landslides). These processes have been induced by
uplift and passively controlled by the litho-structural setting of
the mesa and plateaux reliefs bordering the coast as well as by
the presence of tectonic elements. More recently, the
above-mentioned long-term processes have interacted, espe-
cially in the piedmont and coastal areas, with variations in
river and coastal plain dynamics, mainly related to both natu-
ral and anthropic processes.
Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank the reviewers
of the manuscript (A. Ascione, B. Gentili, L. Stamatopulos)
for their comments and suggestions, which greatly improved
the manuscript and figures. The authors also wish to thank for
their precious support, comments and suggestions, the Editor
J. Minár and the Guest Editors of the Thematic Issue P.P.C.
Aucelli, C.M. Rosskopf, M. Schiattarella. Special thanks
also go to the ‘Struttura Speciale di Supporto Sistema Infor-
mativo Regione Abruzzo’ (
xcartografia/; for
providing the topographic data, aerial photos and orthophotos
used for the geomorphological investigations. This work is the
result of twenty years’ research conducted by the authors at the
Laboratory of Structural Geomorphology and GIS of the
Chieti-Pescara “G. d’Annunzio” University, with the contri-
bution of several PhD. theses (Piacentini 2000; Paron 2004;
Villani 2004; Ricci 2005; Berti 2008; Mascioli 2008). This
work is funded by University funds (E. Miccadei, M. Bucco-
lini, T. Piacentini) of the Department of Engineering and Geo-
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(Italy), with the contribution of several PRIN-MIUR projects
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